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Here in 1950 a group of WWII G.I. Bill student-veterans from Shanks Village planned and built a community cooperatively on McGillicuddy's farmland. Houses and roads were sited to preserve the natural environs. Low on funds, each family worked 1,000 hours on neighbors' houses. Recreational facilities were created on common land. In 1981, townhouses for seniors and a community house built were on an adjacent site. The families of Hickory Hill continue to embrace the cooperative spirit their community was built upon.


Some of our social events are traditions dating back to the inception of the community - a Founders' Day barbecue in September, a July 4th water carnival, a spring outdoor square dance and bonfire, pot luck suppers, and Christmas caroling. A New Year's Eve party has given way to a New Year's Day brunch, and a Summer Solstice celebration now enhances the festivities at our annual square dance. Activities are offered which vary from year to year. We have had book clubs, cooking lessons, etc.; when there is interest, these activities are planned. An effort is made to help our aging neighbors remain in their homes as long as they can, and we all know that we can call upon each other in any time of need.


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